When embarking on your software startup entrepreneurial journey, you’ll be faced with a decision on how to go about the development of your technology. Will you hire a developer for your startup or find an outsourced development partner to build your MVP? Which decision is the right path for you?

Several factors will lead to you making the right decision for your company. These factors include:

  • Your own level of knowledge and experience related to building software and/or managing development teams
  • Your amount of funding dedicated to development in combination with your desired timeline
  • And how much of your own time you’re able to commit to things like hiring and training

When you consider each of these factors, you’ll be able to come to a conclusion on how to get your tech idea up and running. Your options are to hire right away or outsource the development of your software.

To get right to the point, my opinion is that finding the right outsourced development partner that you can trust is almost always the best way to go, especially for the first version or MVP (Minimum Viable Product), and especially if you have a limited background in technology.

There are advantages and disadvantages to either option – hiring a developer for you startup vs outsourcing to a trusted software development partner. Here’s a quick list of the pros and cons:

Hire a developer for your startup


The most important perceived advantage for most people is communication and control. When you hire your own developer to build your product, you can manage, train, and stayed tuned in to the project’s progress every day. This should allow you and your developer to react quickly to problems or changes in direction.


  • Finding and hiring a great developer that excels in the languages your product needs to be built with
  • Ensuring that you can keep your employee engaged, managed, and trained can be a challenge
  • An experienced developer that can build a product the right way from the start can come at a high expense and may not be necessary for the long term
  • Even though you have a dedicated, full-time team member, you’re likely to still face challenges with your timeline due to a single individual trying to solve a myriad of issues
  • A single developer is unlikely to have enough perspectives and experiences to help ensure security, scalability, and a great user experience

Find the right app development partner


The right app development partner will have experience with building and delivering a multitude of startup products. With their accumulated experiences across a range of technologies and industries, they’ll be an asset to you for consulting, design, and development.

You’ll get to use a team of development professionals on your project. They’ll have experience in the right coding languages to develop your software in the correct way for long term sustainability. By having a team that reviews and ensures the quality of their code, you’ll have more safeguards against your technology being built improperly.

Working with a trusted partner can also save you from unforeseen time delays. The right specialized partner will be able to define and map out a project timeline they can guarantee and that you both agree upon.


  • You may have concerns about intellectual property or confidentiality. If you’re able to find a reputable and professional partner, those concerns should be assuaged with proper contracts and an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
  • Communication and control is often less granular as you cede day-to-day project management. Depending on who you’re outsourcing to, this can become a bit of an issue. If you find a partner that you gel with that works in an agile manner and holds regular meetings, this issue can be easily solved.

Neither route will be absolutely perfect. You have to determine what is best for your situation and unique startup needs. I would recommend making your own list of pros and cons before making a decision on whether to hire a developer for your startup or rely on a trusted team of professionals. Your first iteration of your product will make a huge impact on the future of your business, and it’s important to get it right from the beginning.

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